Kalaburagi, Karnataka
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Home » Health Safety Environment  »  LIFTING OPERATIONS – Key Personnel’s


Appointed Competent Person (Lifting & Rigging):
Crane Operators
Banksman / Slingers / Riggers

Appointed Competent Person (Lifting & Rigging):

  • A competent engineer nominated to control and manage all Lifting Operations
  • Assess and plan all lifts with regard to selection of crane, lifting tackle, load, instruction and supervision
  • Devise and compile all lift calculation sheets and/or Lift Plans
  • Be in overall control of all lifting operations
  • Ensure that an effective procedure is in place for inspection and maintenance of all lifting operation equipment
  • Ensure that an effective procedure is in place for reporting of defects and all subsequent remedial actions for all lifting operation equipment
  • Be present on site for all lifts
  • Be authorized to cancel / postpone lifts if there are safety concerns

Crane Operators:

  • Hold a valid and in-date heavy equipment operator's license
  • Be trained to operate the specific crane by examination and hold a current approved certificate / license from an approved and internationally recognized source
  • Be competent and authorized to operate the crane
  • Be physically fit and capable of operating the crane safely
  • Be authorized to cancel / postpone lifts if there are safety concerns

Banksman / Slingers / Riggers: 

  • Be trained, experienced and hold a current approved certificate / license from an approved and internationally recognized source
  • Be able to determine the weight, centre of gravity and characteristics of a load
  • Be able to inspect and determine whether associated lifting equipment is damaged
  • Be familiar with different and correct slinging techniques
  • Know correct hand signals
  • Be authorized to cancel / postpone lifts if there are safety concerns