
Personal Protective Equipment



Reviews 5.00 (1 Reviews)

Course Overview

Every business needs to develop a safe and healthy working environment. How do you protect the health and safety of your employees? This course provides the latest information on personal protective equipment (PPE), defines their categories and outlines the training requirements needed for any scenario. The first module explores the general use of PPE as a whole while the second module looks at the particular PPE used to protect each body part. Although every state or country will have its own regulations, the recommendations found in this course align with U.S. OSHA standards.

At first, you will explore the various designs of PPE and learn the importance of the ‘correct fit’ for each employee using them. We investigate the potential hazards found in the workplace and explain how to form an appropriate PPE hazard assessment. You will discover how to evaluate information to make an informed decision regarding suitable PPE and the level of protection an employee needs. You will go on to understand the required documentation, what hazards controls are and how you can apply them in your working environment. You will also become familiar with who needs training or retraining and the importance of practical evaluation.

The final module looks specifically at each type of PPE in more detail. You will examine eye and face protection, respiratory protection, heads, hands or feet protection, PPE for electrical safety and PPE needed to avoid hearing loss. You will gain further knowledge of the topics covered in the first module, pertaining more precisely to each type of PPE. Because dangers occur in every working environment, it is of utmost importance for supervisors and managers to be knowledgeable about PPE, manage programs and hazards assessments and to train and educate all personnel. This course is based on OSHA recommendations and is packed full of information for anyone who must understand the importance of hazard control. Enroll today and gain a deep understanding of PPE and its function in controlling dangers.

What You'll Learn?

  • Discuss the general personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements and their role in the workplace
  • Summarize the potential hazards found at work
  • Outline the proper use of PPE
  • Explain the importance of being trained in PPE and who should do the training
  • Discuss the importance of demonstration when training in the use of PPE
  • List the most effective eye and face protection
  • Explain the criteria for protective eye and face devices to meet OSHA standards
  • Discuss the necessity for using personal protective equipment
  • Discuss respiratory hazards and control measures
  • Outline suitable respiratory protection program requirements and training
  • Define the selection guidelines for head, hand and foot protection
  • Recognize the care and use of electrical protective equipment
  • Recall how sound and noise is measured and suitable control and protection
  • The safety of employees is of utmost importance and so personal protective equipment (PPE) is commonly used in the workplace to prevent serious health hazards and mitigate risks. This course delves deeply into the use of PPE and studies the various types used for the different dangers that may occur. Learn how to conduct a ‘hazard assessment’ correctly and understand the training required in PPE use and care in this health and safety course.
  • Anyone
  • 3-4 Hours of Learning
  • CPD Accreditation
  • Final Assessment

Course Content

  • Module 1
    • Learning Outcomes

    • PPE Requirements

    • Correct Use of PPE

    • PPE Categories

    • Who Pays for PPE?

    • Payment Exceptions

    • Back Belts

    • General Clothing and PPE in the Workplace

    • PPE Sizing

    • American National Standards Institute

    • Health and Safety Program

    • Hazard Assessment - Scenario

    • Hazard Assessment - Step One

    • Evaluation

    • Required Documentation

    • Hazard Controls

    • Elimination and Substitution

    • Engineering Controls

    • Administrative Controls

    • Warnings and PPE

    • What Employers Should Know About PPE

    • Demonstrating PPE Use

    • On Job Training (OJT)

    • OJT Steps

    • Training Instructor

    • Training Documentation

    • Retraining

    • Lesson Summary

    • Lesson Summary

  • Module 2
    • Learning Outcomes

    • Workplace Eye Injuries

    • Causes of Eye Injury

    • OSHA Criteria 

    • Lasers and Emergencies

    • Introduction to Respiratory Protection

    • Hazard Control

    • Respiratory Protection

    • Air-Purifying Respirators (APR)

    • Respiratory Protection Programs

    • Respirator Inspections

    • Respiratory Selection

    • Various Atmospheres: IDLH Environments

    • Various Atmospheres: Non IDLH Environments

    • Respirator Use

    • Respiratory Maintenance

    • Emergency Procedures

    • Medical Evaluation Procedures

    • Additional Medical Checkups

    • When a Respirator Is Not Required

    • Head Protection

    • Falling Objects and Electrical Hazards

    • Head Protection Selection

    • Hards Hat Scenarios

    • Hand Protection

    • Selecting Correct Hand Protection

    • Chemical Problems

    • Permeations and Breakthrough Rates

    • Working With Tools

    • Glove Guide

    • Chemical Glove Guide

    • An Introduction to Electrical PPE 

    • Protective Equipment for Insulation (IPE)

    • Employee Responsibility

    • Equipment Inspection

    • Gloves for Electrical Protection

    • Testing

  • Duration 04
  • Lessons 66
  • Skill Intermediate
  • Last Update March 9, 2023